PERSON 1380 -1442
Nguyen Trai originally was from Hai Duong Province. He was born in 1380 in thanh long ( present day Hanoi). Under the briefHo Dynasty, he passed his examinations and served his time in the government. In 1417, Nguyen Trai joined a rebel leader named le Loi, who was fighting a guerilla war with the Chinese Ming at the time. Nguyen Trai served as the cheif advisor, strategist and propagandist for the movement.
The war of independence lead to the defeat of the Ming Chinese and the inauguration of the Le Dynasty and lasted from 1417 to In 1427, two other Chinese relief armoies entered Vietnam and were defeated. The numerous prisoners were given provisions and allowed to leave Vietnam and go back to China. Nguyen Trai penned a famous proclaimation of the Victory.
Modern day Nguyen Trai street in HCMC is known as the shopping Mecca for clothing, footwear, and fashion accessories.
Nguyen Trai, duong (Q.1/Q.5) – rue Frere-Louis ( Eastern Section ), Route haute de Saigon a Cholon, rue Quang-Trung ( central section), rue de Cay – Mai, rue de Marechal Joffre ( western section), 1955-1975 duong Vo Tanh.
The famous sharing supermiodel champagne cocktail, served in the ultimate fashion accessory, a handbag. Grear for girls who like to party and enjoy the original fashion statement in style. Recommended for sharing between upto 3 hot girls of boys !
50ml Raspberry Vodka, 50ml Peach liqueur, 100ml Peach puree, 100ml Cranberry Juice, 200ml Prosecco.
Add all the ingredients to 1 litre container before placing in the handbag. Add ice, stir. Add minimum two straws and serve with extra attitude.
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