By Richie Fawcett

Demolished in 2015, the Sabeco brewery building was built in the 1920’s as the warehouse of Brasseries et Glacieres de I’ndochine (BGI), a company which originated in the late 19th century as Victor Larue’s “Larue Freres Industriels-Glacieres-Brasseries and sold beer, ice and later soft drinks throughout Indochina. It became well known for its BGI and later “33 Export” beer.


The cocktail that is inspired by the Bia Saigon brewery is the classic Michalada of tomato juice, lime, twisted with Asian spices of Star anise, cinnamon, and black pepper from Phu Quoc.
1 bottle Saigon beer, 100ml Tomato Juice, 20ml Lime Juice, Dash Soy Sauce, Dash Tabasco, Salt and Pepper rim, Rosemary sprig, Pinch Cinnamon Powder, 1 Star Anise.
Prepare the beer glass with a slat and black pepper rim. Mix half the beer with tomato juice, lime juice, cinnamon, soy sauce, and tobasco in the beer glass. Carefully fill with ice. Place the rest of the beer still in the bottle on the side, ready for topping up. Add rosemary sprig garnish.

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